What makes you successful?
My mother framed my associates degree back in 2017. I was embarrassed as I believed it wasn’t worthy enough to be framed and celebrated. I’m not exactly sure where I picked up the idea that if you don’t have a bachelor’s degree, you haven’t accomplished anything.
So, I must ask you a question. What makes you successful?
Is it your credentials and degrees? Is it determined by the amount in your bank account or how pretty and big your home is?
I had been chasing success for a long time, at the rate that I could. Raising three kids, working full time, and studying to become an Electrical Engineer. At the time, I was grateful and felt blessed to be able to extend my education. And to be honest, I didn’t LOVE what I was studying…but I was a good student and I felt like it somehow brought me closer to my dad as that was his profession.
In 2019, I learned that I was going to be a mom of four. My true response was… “How am I going to do this?!” I felt like I was barely surviving where I was with three little's. I also knew it was going to delay my “SUCCESS”.
Feelings of guilt arise when I admit my true feelings. But for the first couple of months, I didn’t feel excited about my pregnancy. I felt defeated. I felt like I was never going to be successful. I had attached my self-worth to the attainment of a piece of paper.
Today I see things a little differently. Success is not about THINGS, it’s all about a state of mind. Success looks like framing your little wins and celebrating each time you grow. Success is ignoring that imposter syndrome that creeps up every time you’re about to do something great. Success is about failing a million times and getting right back up. Success is about being grateful for what you have right now, while knowing the best is still yet to come and that God has amazing plans for you.
God has blessed me with four amazing souls and a husband that would do anything for me and our family. My girls shine bright wherever they are. And hey, according to my creator…I’m a masterpiece. I’m lacking nothing. I am already qualified to live a full life with purpose. There is no document needed to proceed.
Here is the thing, you have an enemy. He is real. And Jesus said he comes to steal, kill, and destroy. The enemy does not want you to fulfill your purpose, so he will tell you all these lies of why you are not good enough, but Jesus came so that we can live a FULL LIFE. That’s it! That is what will make you successful; living the life Jesus wanted you to live. It’s a life full of love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control and generosity.
What is the secret to living a life like that? Recognizing that you can’t do life without Jesus. Coming to him on the daily for guidance. He is what makes you successful in all things. It’s not about pleasing others with your fancy treasures. It’s about pleasing your heavenly father with the life he has given you.
You want to be successful? Start by acknowledging how far you have come. Start celebrating your small wins. Start by being passionate about your life. Start by knowing that you are already successful. This is your journey - and it’s beautiful. Jesus thought you were worth dying for and that’s the only proof you need to be successful in this life.
Love you lots,
Alicia Eve Varela